adrienne "audrey" gendice13, he/him. i have more names and pronouns in my pronouny. i'm white, 15, gaelic, autistic, schizophrenic, disabled, & an introject. INFJ 496 (4w3 9w8 6w7) mel-sang sx/so capricorn sun aries moon & sagittarius rising. i am dating niki and beau.

i hornypost regularly due to hypersexuality, deac due to delusion, riddled with personality disorders, tweet in eng mostly but studying de/jp/tag, retweet the gun bot/talk about weaponry in general, talk shit about/priv qrt people sorry if its your mutual, etc. i am annoyingly me but i also give a fuck about what you think of me, while posting whatever i want

i like hypmic mha dn metal animanga jrwi (council) p5 cosplay weaponry horror seiyuus jerma & more. most of these are special interests

i am extremely bpd over fling posse & bad ass temple, and autism/dpd over practically the rest of the hypmic cast. i have very specific headcanons about the cast and i might get upset if someone else doesn't cater to those hcs but i am delusional so ignore it. read this please

i have some extra links to add but i'll do that later